I've been getting my books and installing the development tools for class.
Its at Central Arizona College and look forward to the challenge.
The book is MS Visual C# 2012: Object-Oriented Programming (not cheap)
Almost got the Kindle version ($88) which may have been the better choice but found it in the Amazon rental for $66.
Then I needed software, luckily it’s all free but about 600MB so far
Visual Studio 2012 for Win 8 64bit is the newest version but after installing found out this version ONLY works for the Windows 8 Store applications.
But for class I need to also install Visual Studio 2012 for Win Desktop
and after installing I started seeing the development packages SDKs.
Visual Studio 2012 for Web
Visual Studio 2012 for Win Phone (!!! My Phone !!!)
I want Office Developer Tools but must get the Pro version of Visual Studio so will wait. This will give me access my Office365 SharePoint server and writing application for the Microsoft Office Platform.
I had taken other programming courses but this is what you use to create windows applications mobile Apps for ioS, Android, and Windows Phone.
A project the I’d really like to do is re-write my Gecko Radio application.
Gecko Radio scans podcasts for weather conditions, news, technology shows then creates a scheduled playlist that includes 2 music tracks between each news story. It also salts the playlist with weather reports, comedy tracks, and self-help tracks.
The Gecko Radio media server is connected to a low power transmitter at 88.7FM and has been transmitting since 2004. It has 3TB of storage with music ripped from over 800 CDs in categories.
I can control playback from a free App on my phone or tablet.
Roger Biel rogerbiel@2geckos.com
2Geckos Consulting www.2Geckos.com
(520) 709-2079 or (602) 325-4862
PO BOX 12812,Casa Grande, AZ 85130-0687