
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Solar debate

From Arizona Republic 7/9/17.


APS program would have customers never use the solar power directly. Rather, they send it straight to the grid, and APS gives them a monthly credit for the use of their roof. Customers would earn only $10 to $50 a month.


Residential customers would see an increase to $10-20 for the monthly basic service.

Higher basic service fees are part of a trend by utilities to collect more, groups like AARP arguing that customers will see higher bills under this proposal even during months that they may not occupy a home.


Solar customers send about 12,000 kilowatt-hours to the grid in a year.

The changes will reduce customer savings by about $132 a year.


Two commissioners, Doug Little and Chairman Tom Forese, were elected in 2014 with the help of dark-money groups thought to be funded by APS, which does not deny involvement.

APS confirmed last year it helped the elections of the other three commissioners.

Commissioners say they can’t legally prevent a utility from using its profits to support political candidates without interfering with the company’s First Amendment rights.

APS is spending money to elect the people who decide how much profit they makes.


The Corp Commission is corrupt but at least I’m grandfathered for 20yr.